What are your coping strategies?

Steven 🌞 Snedkers billede
Af Steven 🌞 Snedker den 10. februar 2013 - 9:32 [2]

What are your coping strategies?

Being right.

Is there any material that you would not want pirated?

Swedish dansbandsmusic.

"I bought rain forest for the money in brasil somewhere. Tiamo was not happy with me wasting the money on "crap" (his view) and anakata laughed at me for believing in doing good."

Der er meget underholdningsguld i



Steven Snedkers billede

"what would you say to someone that uses the Pirate Bay to constantly download copyrighted music and movies."

Go outside and see the sun a bit. Vitamine D is needed for being healthy.

Steven Snedkers billede

You can't really plan on doing something big, it kind of has to be the right place, time and so on. It mostly happens if it happens. Don't plan your life with that as a goal, plan your life to become happy, don't stress and be nice to yourself and other people!

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