Ultrapersonligt it- og kulturstof for noble fritænkere
Falkvinge i storform

Falkvinge i storform
Originally shared by Rick Falkvinge
The copyright monopoly should be dead and buried already. New column on TorrentFreak.
People sometimes ask how the artists will get paid if - no, when - the copyright monopoly is abolished. This question is not based on facts.
http://torrentfreak.com/copyright-monopoly-dead-buried-already-140803/ ⟲
http://torrentfreak.com/copyright-monopoly-dead-buried-already-140803 ⟲

People sometimes ask how the artists will get paid if - no, when - the copyright monopoly is abolished. This question is not based on facts.

People sometimes ask how the artists will get paid if - no, when - the copyright monopoly is abolished. This question is not based on facts.
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