Ultrapersonligt it- og kulturstof for noble fritænkere
"Lampert took the myth that humans perform best when acting selfishly as gospel, pitting Sears company managers...

"Lampert took the myth that humans perform best when acting selfishly as gospel, pitting Sears company managers against each other in a kind of Lord of the Flies death match. This, he believed, would cause them to act rationally and boost performance. [...] Instead of enhancing Sears’ bottom line, the heads of various divisions began to undermine each other and fight tooth and claw for the profits of their individual fiefdoms at the expense of the overall brand."
En finansfyrste ødelægger endnu en værtsorganisme.
http://www.salon.com/2013/12/10/ayn_rand_loving_ceo_destroys_his_empire_partner/ ⟲

The invisible hand waves bye-bye to Eddie Lampert, whose business plan has run Sears into the ground
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