Ultrapersonligt it- og kulturstof for noble fritænkere
"Many surely feel like spiritual James Bonds, fighting a cosmic war against evil.

"Many surely feel like spiritual James Bonds, fighting a cosmic war against evil. After all, they are spreading the one true faith to the ends of the earth—or they will die trying, and be martyred, and then spend eternity in Paradise. Secular liberals seem unable to grasp how psychologically rewarding this worldview must be."
Det kan han godt sige en gang til uden at møde modstand.

My recent collision with Ben Affleck on Bill Maher?s show, Real Time, has provoked an extraordinary amount of controversy. It seems a postmortem is in order. For those who haven?t seen the show, most of what I write here won?t make sense unless you watch my...
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"As I try to make clear in Waking Up, many positive states of mind, such as ecstasy, are ethically neutral. Which is to say that it really matters what you think the feeling of ecstasy means. If you think it means that the Creator of the Universe is rewarding you for having purged your village of Christians, you are ISIS material. Other bearded young men go to Burning Man, find themselves surrounded by naked women in Day-Glo body paint, and experience a similar state of mind."
Og til de, der ikke kender Burning Man: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/+PhilipGreenspun/albums/6056550167565884497
Til de, der ikke kender det danske centrum-venstre: https://plus.google.com/u/0/s/centrum%20venstre%20snedker
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