This is an in-depth, news-filled, contrary, profound, and I believe generally fair depiction of "what the Islamic...

Originally shared by Kevin Kelly
This is an in-depth, news-filled, contrary, profound, and I believe generally fair depiction of "what the Islamic State wants." If true, this movement has huge consequences. My own guess is that we are seeing the beginnings of a civil-war among Islamics (not really clash of civilization, Christians vs Muslims) but more akin to the interfaith wars and conflict around the Protestants and Pilgrims and Anabaptists within Christianity several hundred years ago. It was not pretty. ⟲ ⟲

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“We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women,” Adnani, the spokesman, promised in one of his periodic valentines to the West. “If we do not reach that time, then our children and grandchildren will reach it, and they will sell your sons as slaves at the slave market.”
"At the end of the video, the camo-clad executioner, knife in bloodied hand, pledges that ISIS will conquer Rome." ⟲
Og i Danmark skal rettroende muslimer heller ikke blive for blødsødne: ⟲
"Immediately after the attack, the president or the prime minister of the country in which the attack has taken place goes on TV and declares that this attack had nothing to do with Islam.
Right after that the chief of police announces that he has taken all the measures to protect Muslims from any imaginary backlash and nonexistent reprisal.
In the evening of the same day the mainstream media interviews an imam or a Muslim spokesperson who emphasizes that Islam does not condone violence.
We are then told that extremists exist in all religions and reminded that some thirty years ago a few Christians killed a few abortionist murderers of unborn babies." ⟲
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