Alle elsker Harman-kurven
og dog:
“Harman Curve Lovers”: This group, which constitutes 64% of listeners, includes mostly a broad spectrum of people, although generally under age 50. They prefer headphones tuned close to the Harman Curve.
“More Bass Is Better”: This next group, which makes up 15% of listeners, prefers headphones with 3 to 6dB more bass than Harman Curve below 300Hz, and 1dB more output above 1kHz. This group is predominantly male and younger -- the listeners JBL is targeting with its headphones.
“Less Bass Is Better”: This group, 21% of listeners, prefers 2 to 3dB less bass than the Harman Curve and 1dB more output above 1kHz. This group is disproportionately female and older than 50.
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