"And even at their worst, the hucksters of mumbo-jumbo are only minor-league con artists.

"And even at their worst, the hucksters of mumbo-jumbo are only minor-league con artists. Their crimes pale next to those of our financial institutions, and all the others who convince the public to throw their life savings at the stock market, take out mortgages they can't afford, buy junk they don't need with money they don't have, and pay for the fuck-ups of bankers and the greed of speculators. But which skeptic is going to debunk these swindlers?
Cheating people out of their money is one thing, but cheating them out of their lives is quite another. To read some skeptic takes on alternative medicine, you'd think only heart disease rivalled it as a killer. It's true that alternative medicine is not going to cure anyone of serious illness, but it's also generally true that the terminally ill only turn to it when real medicine has given up hope on them. And the value of hope in one's final days is not to be dismissed so easily. The relaxed swagger of a charlatan can be far more comforting than the stress of an overworked hospital registrar, and the charlatan typically receives his patients in more comforting surroundings than a hospital. If I'm going to die anyway, I'll take aromatherapy over chemotherapy every time."
Ekstremt langt skriv fra ganske intelligent, forum-trænet herre. Jeg forstår og sympatiserer med hans grundtanke, men er højst 10% så passioneret som ham.
Tak til Claus Dahl for at bringe den nær mine øjne et helt andet sted.
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Og morsom er han også: "The most visible group of Bayesians on the web, and my subject for the rest of this article, is the Singularity Institute of Berkeley, California. [3] This organisation is the Heaven's Gate of Bayesianism, a doomsday cult which preaches that a hostile AI will take over the world and destroy us all (in an event known as the singularity) unless we do something about it — like make regular donations to the Singularity Institute. The Institute is urgently working on our best hope of survival. So far, it has put a lot of windbags on websites."
http://laurencetennant.com/bonds/cultofbayes.html ⟲
"If I'm going to die anyway, I'll take aromatherapy over chemotherapy every time."
Trouble is your aroma therapist has no clue if you are about to die from cancer, or any other disease for that matter. If doctors know for sure that you will die anyway, they will not force treatment down your throat either... this denial of treatment is citet with equal enthusiasm as a reason for bogus therapies. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Still a sceptic.
Jeg har mere respekt for kloge mennesker der eftersætter selvberigende politikere og bankfolk, end kloge mennesker, der eftersætter aromaterapeuter og audiofile. Så selvom jeg godt kan lide Hitchens og Randi er Tynell og Taibbi måske bedre i det lange løb.
http://vertikal.dk/a105 ⟲ var nu dog morsom.
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