Ultrapersonligt it- og kulturstof for noble fritænkere
Antifa på gaden
"Though it angers me to see such ignorance, my mother reminds me that when the NDP was first created, they were constantly called Communists and worse. I hope with the passage of time, the same holds true for the PPC ⟲."
Video fra Antifas intervention ⟲
Apparently in the view of some, I?m ?Nazi scum.? I just didn?t realize it.
?What a disgrace, I have no words...
'Protesters at @MaximeBernier's Event at Mohawk College'
cc: @RubinReport @DMillardHaskell @FPVaughanIII https://t.co/2sRlqErQZq?
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Antifas chikane medfører
Antifas chikane medfører chikane fra andre idioter. Vor herre til hest! https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1181763800644472834 ⟲
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