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"But the family never heard from him again.

"But the family never heard from him again. He joined a long list of Algerians missing at sea which includes doctors, engineers and even the grandson of the country's former president, Chadli Bendjedid.
The harragas have become something of a national obsession in the Algerian media, cinema and popular music."

People trying to get to Europe are often fleeing war or poverty, but many young Algerians risk death crossing the Mediterranean because they are bored and fed up with the lack of opportunities.
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Poeten siger:
"Our harragas don't leave the country because they are poor or jobless…. even if that's what they say," he wrote in Le Quotidien d'Oran, the daily paper from Algeria's second largest city. "They leave because here, in this country, their lives are pointless, there's no room to dream, and worst of all, there's no fun, no laughter, no kissing, and no colour."
Lennon-land er ikke nok: Gør mig lige lidt klogere.
Pga. mgl. oplysninger er det svært for menigmand at skelne mellem flygtninge og emigranter. Deraf termen "bekvemmeligheds flygtninge".
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