BYD billig
Alle har en forklaring:
Those who think 'China bad' => Governments subsidy + slave labor (low wages)
Those who think 'Toyota bad' => Better automation
The former Tesla fans : 'Vertical integration + electric cars are cheaper to make
Very few people noted + 90k employees working on R & D.As far as I know, each time a technolgy enters in one of the five years Chinese plan, China then dominates the industry no matter how far behind it starts from. We have seen that for solar panel, high speed rail etc... we will probably see that for semi conductors.
A Chinese 5 year plan is like a Manathan project, it focuses all the energies of China in one direction, and there are a lot of extremely energetic and clever people in China.
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Sammnenlign med Filmtaget og Niels Bohr-byggeriet.
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