Waking Up with Sam Harris #43 — What Do Jihadists Really Want?

Steven 🌞 Snedkers billede
Af Steven 🌞 Snedker den 4. juni 2017 - 0:24 [1]


Steven Snedkers billede

Eller som skiderikkerne selv skriver det "The objective of hostage-taking in the lands of disbelief

– and specifically in relation to just terror operations

– is not to hold large numbers of the kuffar

hostage in order to negotiate one’s demands. Rather,

the objective is to create as much carnage and terror

as one possibly can until Allah decrees his appointed

time and the enemies of Allah storm his location or

succeed in killing him. This is because the hostile kafir

only understands one language and that is the language

of force, the language of killing, stabbing and

slitting throats, chopping off heads, flattening them

under trucks, and burning them alive, ‘until they give

the jizyah while they are in a state of humiliation’

(At-Tawbah 29)."

[Intet link i dag]

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