"Richard Spencer says some stuff in an auditorium, upon which… what?

Steven 🌞 Snedkers billede
Af Steven 🌞 Snedker den 2. maj 2017 - 11:13 [1]

"Richard Spencer says some stuff in an auditorium, upon which… what? When I was in college in the ’80s, one protested against such people and wrote editorials in the college paper, and life went on (such as to a black man being elected president twice). Today the good word is that a Spencer shouldn’t even be allowed on campus, despite that his speech would have no more effect on life as we know it than a similar one decades ago. Obviously, the goal here is the indication of one’s awareness, not a proactive sociopolitical objective."

Lang, ikke meget nyt. Men fin.



          Peter Mørk Andreasen
        s billede

Berlinske kører i samme spor. Ikke en direkte 1-1 oversættelse. Men næsten

b.dk - New York Times hyrede en konservativ kommentator - og så startede læserstormen

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