Ultrapersonligt it- og kulturstof for noble fritænkere
"Whether the strategic goal is catching terrorists, educating children, or improving health outcomes, the tactics...
"Whether the strategic goal is catching terrorists, educating children, or improving health outcomes, the tactics that government deploys are only glancingly related to what the evidence suggests it should be doing.
Instead, in every domain, over and over, the policies that prevail are those with business-models. Policies that create a large pool of wealth for a small number of players, enough money in few enough hands that there’s some left over to lobby for the continuation of that policy."
British politicians keep trying to sneak the Snoopers’ Charter into law – even when it is obvious that the last thing you need when looking for a neeedle in a haystack is more hay, writes Cory Doctorow
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Ben Goldacre er tilsyneladende også værd at genbesøge: http://boingboing.net/2015/01/20/ben-goldacres-i-think-you.html
Hr. Docotrow er forbilledlig skarp: "Why does the US now have two Sigint agencies and a greatly diminished Humint capacity? After all, it would be tactically useful for the US to know who it has killed.
I think it’s because Sigint has a business model. There are procurements for Sigint. And where there are procurements, there are lunches at well-funded thinktanks and lobbyists’ offices for Senate Intelligence Committee staffers to talk about how those procurements are the most sensible thing for government. Procurements attract junkets. Procurements produce private-sector jobs. Procurements are laundered back into lawmaking through campaign contributions.
There’s not a lot of pork in Humint. Apart from the odd airplane ticket and putty chin, Humint is basically about hiring people to go and nose around. It may involve bribing officials and other informants, but that’s not the sort of government spending that generates a lot of lobbyist activities on the Hill or in Westminster."
Det første afsnit kan relateres til http://www.politiko.dk/nyheder/corydon-ja-las-politik-ville-give-124.000-flere-et-job-men ⟲
Men næste afsnit kræver en omskrivning for at passe til virkeligheden: "Instead, in every public domain, over and over, the policies that prevail are those with bureaucratic-models, in particular the classic. Policies that create a small pool of wealth for a great number of players, few money in many enough hands that there’s some left over to lobby for the continuation of that policy." ....med samme reference som første afsnit.
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