Engang var "The Playboy Profile" det store, grundige, interessante interview.

Steven 🌞 Snedkers billede
Af Steven 🌞 Snedker den 23. juli 2018 - 19:34 [3]

Engang var "The Playboy Profile" det store, grundige, interessante interview. I dag, i dette tilfælde, er det rehash. Men har nu en god afslutning:

"Saying exactly what you think—even if what you think can sound radically retrograde, even if it attracts the approval of undesirable tribes—is part of the manly art of being Jordan Peterson. The professor could not care less if you are offended or triggered.

While Tammy was still sitting with us, her husband said, “This whole idea that you should be harmless is just an absolute pathology. You should be as dangerous as you could possibly make yourself, and then you should bring yourself under control. And of course that’s right. Of course that’s obviously the case. Women don’t like weak men, not unless there’s something wrong with them.”

I turned to Tammy and said, “Well, you married this guy, so I guess——” She waited a beat or two and then responded with quiet precision: “I looked at him for a long time before I married him. I made sure he would be somebody who could stand up against life. And when I decided he could, I married him.” "



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