Ultrapersonligt it- og kulturstof for noble fritænkere
Musikbranchen har altid haft lav troværdighed.

Musikbranchen har altid haft lav troværdighed. Det lader til at den mere dannede bogbranche måske egentlig ikke er så meget bedre.
http://www.vox.com/2014/10/22/7016827/amazon-hachette-monopoly ⟲

The industry is right that Jeff Bezos is destroying them. But he's not doing it by abusing monopoly power. They're weak because they're not doing anything useful. People who care about literature and ideas will be better off without them.
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Bør læses: Shirkys opsummering: "Coll concedes that these publishers did, in fact, break the law, but excuses them on the grounds that had they not...
Amazon taget livet af forlagene, fordi de har monopol. Apple tager livet af Peter Ørvig Knudsen ved at censurere hvad han må sælge vis iTunes, fordi de har monopol.
Hvis begge dele er rigtigt, så er monopoler altså ikke hvad de var engang.
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