"The cost of taking actions towards mitigating global warming and climate change are small.
"The cost of taking actions towards mitigating global warming and climate change are small. The additional annual extra cost of a fully renewable Danish energy system compared to a fossil one, would only add up to a cost of 150 Danish kroner per month per Dane. This is approximately the same as the cost of a monthly subscription for Netflix or Fitness World and it is less than what most people pay to insure themselves, their houses, cars, furniture, etc. The 150 Danish kroner per month could be seen as an insurance for having a livable planet in the future or it could be seen as an investment. By creating a fully renewable energy system focusing on no and low emission technologies, the annual societal health cost would be reduced by more than the invested 150 kroner a month."
https://www.sdu.dk/en/om_sdu/institutter_centre/lifecycleengineering/education/msc/18m40 ⟲
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IMFs opgørelse
imf.org - IMF Survey : Counting the Cost of Energy Subsidies ⟲
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Der kan regne på andet end penge fra lobbyister
twitter.com - Lars Køhler on Twitter ⟲
piopio.dk - Klimaudspil: Arbejds givere og arbejds tagere efterlyser fokus på bygninger ⟲
Det var meget nemmere hvis det blot handlede om økonomi, i stedet for at hverve følgere baseret på ideologiske floskler om fiktiv "frihed". Tobaksindustrien må ærgre sig grusomt over at være for sent ude med med dette trick.
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