"Colin Firth falls in "love" with Aurelia at first sight, establishing Love Actually's central moral lesson: The...

"Colin Firth falls in "love" with Aurelia at first sight, establishing Love Actually's central moral lesson: The less a woman talks, the more lovable she is."
"Anyway, the flirtation is a problem because Alan Rickman is married to Emma Thompson, but don't worry—she wears foundation garments and talks too much (see above) and therefore deserves to die alone with nothing but Joni Mitchell for comfort."
"He shows up at Aurelia's front door and starts yelling at her father in shitty Portuguese. He's like, "I am here to ask your daughter for her hand in marriage," and the dad is like, "Say what!?" because he thinks Colin Firth means his other daughter, who is fat and gross, and that would obviously make no sense, because women who are slightly larger than some other women deserve to be alone forever unless they're the size-6 kind of fake fat like Natalie. Then the dad offers to pay Colin Firth to take fat daughter off his hands. Colin Firth is like "Ew, no. I only want to purchase/marry HOT women I've never spoken to in my life."
Once the truth gets sorted out, fat daughter says: "Father is about to sell Aurelia as a slave to this Englishman."
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