Don't you see, darling Bloom, glorious Bloom? It's so simple.
Don't you see, darling Bloom, glorious Bloom? It's so simple.
STEP ONE: We find the worst play ever written, a surefire flop.
STEP TWO: I raise a million bucks. Lots of little old ladies out there.
STEPTHREE: You go back to work on the books, two of them - one for the government, one for us. You can do it, Bloom; you're a wizard!
STEP FOUR: We open on Broadway. And before you can say STEPFIVE, we close on Broadway!
STEP SIX: We take our million bucks and fly to Rio!
Og så lige her, et par dage inden sidste chance for at søge støtte fra medierådet, dør den første, største og bedste Leo Bloom.
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