"One of the most profound, innovative and moving records in the history of the rock tradition, Astral Weeks...

Steven 🌞 Snedkers billede
Af Steven 🌞 Snedker den 22. november 2014 - 19:06 [2]

"One of the most profound, innovative and moving records in the history of the rock tradition, Astral Weeks established Van Morrison as a young songwriter of nearly frightening depth and vision."

Lobhudling af Van Morrison og ca. 25 albums. Nyttig læsning for de, der gerne vil smittes med lidt begejstring for musik.



          Dave Hodgkinson
        s billede

He's also a bit of an arse. Once left at the side of the road for lighting up a cigar in a taxi after being asked not to.

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