Om millionadvokater med ynkelig, ødelæggende frygt

Steven Snedkers billede
Af Steven Snedker den 24. marts 2025 - 15:08 [0]

And now I have envy watching from the sidelines, for I wish to be squished. I wish for my moment in the sun, the exhale of relief from pushing the thumb back up into the sky. Go ahead and try, solely and for no other reasons than for me to look at the fetid crew of prior losers, those lucre-addicted dipshits. I wish to look at them in the eye and remind them: what makes me a man is my valorization and adherence to higher values. In contrast to a myopic worship over extra zeros in my bank account, adherence to honesty, integrity, principles, and confrontational courage that — at bare minimum — I should try and aspire towards.

Min yndlingsmarrokaneramerikaner skriver langt, floromvundent og overbevisende i Bootlicking Millionaires with Severe Tongue Abrasion. Jeg tror også, at han kan lide at se maskuline film.

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