Bonn - Alte Freunde, neue Feinde (stream/optag) (7,4 IMDB). For the german speakers/readers. Recounts the rise of Germany's Federal Republic after the horror of World War II.
Watch it online
- If you run into trouble with geoblocking.
- If you want to record this
Use the Chrome extension TV4ever.
Leo and the Puberty Blockers (stream/optag) (7,8 IMDB). Uppdrag granskning (Look Into This) is one of Sweden's leading programs for investigative and digging journalism. Here we follow 11 year old Leo going on puberty blockers.
Awesome journo Jesse Singal made an hour long interview with the reporter behind the story. It's not behind a paywall anymore.
John and Camilla Cleese Father's Day 2020. A delightful Q&A with comedy legend John Cleese and his daughter Camilla. A very sweet and funny conversation.
Nearby you'll also find tributes to fathers Jerry Stiller, Richard Pryor, Desi Arnaz og George Carlin.
Poldark (stream/record) (8,4 IMDB). Romantic period drama aimed at middle class ladies.
The Guardian has more than 100 articles about Poldark as we publish this.
White Right: Meeting The Enemy (stream/record) (Netflix) (7,7 IMDB).
There is something particularly cool about sensible, well-behaved people who risk a lot of misery by seeking out extremists on their home turf to engage in an adult conversation with them.
Homosexual Stephen Fry left his many millions of dollars and comfortable life in London to go to Uganda to hear more about the country's kill all homosexual policy.
Infidel Jamie Walters visited the Jihadi neighbors (one of them killed many innocent pedestrians).
Reggie Yates and Stacey Dooley visit almost anyone, as long as they're dangerous/narrow-minded. Even Top Gear went to Alabama .
And here, non-white Deeyah Khan visits racists and Nazis to find out what they believe in and why.
This is excellent.
Do listen to the Sam Harris Podcast (SH, YT) - a great conversation on her documentaries.
Brokeback Mountain (stream/record) (7,7 IMDB). This romance may be banned in your home country.
But it's still legal to enjoy this in Sweden.
Your Chrome browser and the TV4ever extension will get you to Sweden, no worries.
Blue is the Warmest Color (uncensored) (stream/record) (7,8 IMDB). Romance between two young women.
Won just about every prize available.
The wind rises (stream/record) ⟲ (7,8 IMDB) ⟲. Hayao Miyazakis ⟲ last feature film.
Lost in Translation (stream/optag) (7,8 IMDB). Romcom with Johansson
The Blue Planet II (stream/record) (9,3 IMDB). Sir David Attenborough takes to the seas to tell us about the animals living in and around it.
Doctor Who sæson 8, 9 og 10 (stream/optag) (8,7 IMDB). 40 hours of the good doctor and his beautiful assistant running around.
OJ Simpson: Made in America (stream/optag) (9,0 IMDB). One of the world's best documentaries. Won an Oscar and 50 additional prizes.
Il Barbiere di Siviglia! Aida! Le Nozze di Figaro! Der fliegende Holländer! and 50 other classics.
Søg efter din favoritkomponist.
Three +1 hours concerts with Eric Clapton, Elvis Costello, Nelly Furtado, Chris Rea, Alicia Keys and many others.
Dredd is
- ultra violent
- sci-fi
- satire
Expertly written by Alex Garland, beautifully photographed by Anthony Dodd Mantle.
No, it's not the old crap Sylvester Stallone movie. It's a fairly new offering. And it is excellent.
If you are a man of a certian age, education and background, you'll cherish it. It's a great film in the vein of Robocop and Starship Troopers.
Doc about the sweet pop genius.
"This is very much George Michael according to George Michael. With contributions from his famous pals."
"So preposterous perhaps, but also honest and brilliant – the film, and the man. He says he would like to be remembered, not just as a singer and songwriter, but also as “someone who had some kind of integrity”. That seems likely." - according to Sam.
Multi resistant bacteria. The BBC will scare and inform you adequately.
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