"While I had intended to go to a liberal arts college in order to become a true free thinker, I found myself...

Steven 🌞 Snedkers billede
Af Steven 🌞 Snedker den 12. maj 2018 - 5:33 [0]

"While I had intended to go to a liberal arts college in order to become a true free thinker, I found myself intellectually expanded far more by watching many of these thinkers than I did during most of my courses. It wasn't that I necessarily agreed with Peterson, or Haidt, or Weinstein. But listening to them forced me to question my ideological and intuitive presuppositions. Thereby, they were inspiring me to actually think, and to find my own conclusions without some institutional orthodoxy."

"It is rather to remember the liberal faith that in the long run people are more reasonable than unreasonable and so can be persuaded by rational argument; that more speech is the antidote to hateful speech. Free speech allows people to stumble around and, in the long run, to more often come to the right conclusions. Given these fundamental convictions, the fact of conversation should not be criticized; better arguments ought to be promoted."


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