"While the government was scouring through Theranos’s inaccurate files and data, Carreyrou was approaching the story...
"While the government was scouring through Theranos’s inaccurate files and data, Carreyrou was approaching the story not as a fawning tech blogger, but rather as a diligent investigative reporter. "
After he wrapped up, the leaders of Theranos stood before their employees and surveyed the room. Then a chant erupted. “Fuck you . . .,” employees began yelling in unison, “Carreyrou.” It began to grow louder still. “Fuck you, Carreyrou!” Soon men and women in lab coats, and programmers in T-shirts and jeans, joined in. They were chanting with fervor: “Fuck you, Carreyrou!,” they cried out. “Fuck you, Carreyrou! Fuck. You. Carrey-rou!”
God journalistik om god og dårlig journalistik, fup, Silicon Valley, de svage dyrs idoldyrkelse, de stærke dyrs marketing.
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