Ultrapersonligt it- og kulturstof for noble fritænkere
"And yea, that was yet another learning curve, configuring and running a LAMP server, oh joy!

"And yea, that was yet another learning curve, configuring and running a LAMP server, oh joy! But I was loving it. My ideas were actually working. Sure it was a little crude, but it worked! Rewriting the site was the most stressful couple of months I’ve ever experienced."
Som en spion-roman, bare knapt så ophidsende.

As the saga of the Silk Road has unfolded over the last four years, everyone has had an opinion about the unprecedented, billion-dollar online narcotics bazaar, from press to politicians to prosecutors. Even the pseudonymous mastermind of the site, the Dread...
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Og så alligevel: http://www.wired.com/2015/01/richard-bates-ross-ulbricht-silk-road/
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