"At their extremes, capitalism and communism become equivalent: Endless toil motivated by lapidary ideals handed...

Steven 🌞 Snedkers billede
Af Steven 🌞 Snedker den 19. september 2016 - 7:17 [1]

"At their extremes, capitalism and communism become equivalent: Endless toil motivated by lapidary ideals handed down by a revered and unquestioned leader, and put into practice by a leadership caste selected for its adherence to aforementioned principles, and richly rewarded for its willingness to grind whatever human grist the mill required? Same in both. A (mostly) pliant media that flatters the existing system of production, framing it as the only such system possible? Check! Foot soldiers who sacrifice their families and personal lives for the efficient running of the system, and who view their sole human value through the prism of advancement within that system? Welcome to the People’s Republic of Facebook."

Mwahahaha! Fantastisk bog, lader det til.

Apropos systemer, der ikke virker vil G+ ikke lade mig linke til uddraget medmindre jeg piller http:// væk:



Johnnie Hougaard Nielsens billede

Having used the flexibility of capitalism to "prematurely" opt out of the treadmill, I'll object to the claim that this is not possible. Of course, without a boatload of money, it also entails opting out of the consumption treadmill, keeping up with the Joneses, which for many would be an alien thought.

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