Ultrapersonligt it- og kulturstof for noble fritænkere
"ClickHole prefers to think of you and every other person on earth as nothing more than an empty vessel existing...

"ClickHole prefers to think of you and every other person on earth as nothing more than an empty vessel existing purely to share content with other empty vessels. If every vessel does its part, we can make sure our children inherit a world free from non-viral content."
The Onion laver en parodi på Upworthy, Buzzfeed, Viralnova etc. etc.
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De havde også en brilliant parodi på smarmy TED Talks: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4NL9i-Fu15hhYGB-d0hmSWD1fcIvLvn1 ⟲
Som kender af virale nyhedssider (egentlig: følelsessider) vil jeg dog sige, at de skal have flere rørte og grædende mennesker ligesom http://www.upworthygenerator.com/ ⟲. Læsnng om emnet på http://vertikal.dk/term/upworthy-syge ⟲
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