Nok en interessant historie til lænestols-detektiverne, -psykologerne og -sociologerne.
Nok en interessant historie til lænestols-detektiverne, -psykologerne og -sociologerne.
"I will never understand how they were able to do what they did; how they thought that, for example, my having made a joke to a male friend on Facebook about a Captain Haddock costume made it more likely that I was a rapist. These people were not victimized by me. They have gone on to publish books, receive grants, get jobs, and win major literary awards. If they have wounds, their wounds are self-inflicted.
My entire life appears to have been reframed. Writers who never took a class from me have been claiming on Twitter that I was a terrible teacher who didn’t help them. People who have never interacted with me have said I treated them badly. It has been suggested I am somehow homophobic. My race has been attacked after, in response to an allegation that I was a white supremacist, it was revealed on Twitter that I have some Indigenous ancestry. (Like many adopted people, I’m not sure of my entire or precise racial makeup or biological family history, and have never commented publicly on it.) It is difficult to describe how fundamentally disorienting it is to have your life, your words, everything about you suddenly and vehemently re-ordered and re-categorized to fit a prevailing false narrative. It makes you doubt yourself, through to your core. Even though I knew that what people were saying wasn’t true, it began to feel true." ⟲
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"Anyone who tried to support me or the idea that what happened to me was wrong has been viciously attacked — Margaret Atwood was repeatedly called a rape apologist. Just consider that for a moment. Consider what someone like her (we have met only briefly and are not friends) must have experienced and seen and how hard she had to work to become “Margaret Atwood.” Read her writing. The notion that she is the enemy of women is beyond ludicrous. And yet, for example, she’s been called a “shitty white woman” by a professor in the SFU publishing program in her university-sanctioned podcast on feminism. Writer and actor Carmen Aguirre, whose family worked for the underground resistance movement against the Pinochet dictatorship and who, as a child, was raped at gunpoint in the woods near UBC by a serial rapist, was called an MRA propagandist by Keith Maillard for writing an article in The Walrus defending my right to due process and essential humanity. Writers, predominantly women, have been blacklisted from conferences, lost publishing and teaching opportunities, and been professionally ostracized for the crime of not instantly condemning me." - Steven Galloway in his own words: I’m not a monster. I won’t let false allegations define me | National Post ⟲
Et stort skridt på vejen: - Joseph McCarthy - Wikipedia ⟲
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