Ultrapersonligt it- og kulturstof for noble fritænkere
Amerika (og store dele af den omgivende verden) har et alvorligt problem med (ud)dannelsesniveauet.

Amerika (og store dele af den omgivende verden) har et alvorligt problem med (ud)dannelsesniveauet. Viser denne næsten-for-god-til-at-være-sand-historie.
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/fake-news-donald-trump-supporters-gullible-believe-anything-barack-obama-paedophile-hillary-clinton-a7623441.html ⟲

James McDaniel's website claimed Barack Obama was plotting a coup from a secret bunker and Hillary Clinton was a child-sacrificing maniac. The site got more than one million views within two weeks, and hundreds of thousands of likes and shares
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Apropos den penge- og sensationssultne mediebranche og dens altædende publikum. Playboy laver nu feministisk kritik
playboy.com - Ed Sheeran Has a Toxic Masculinity Problem ⟲
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trends.google.com - Udforsk søgeinteressen for "toxic masculinity", "toxic femininity" efter tid, sted og popularitet i Google Trends ⟲
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Internetforbrugeren.dk - Om PewDiePie, papirhad og onlinehad ⟲
Tilsigtet publikum: troldehæren
theguardian.com - Internet warriors: inside the dark world of online 'trolls' | Technology | The Guardian ⟲
Playboy var et enklere produkt for 20 år siden
theonion.com - Playboy Centerfold Has Big Dreams, Tits ⟲
Apropos uddannelsesniveauet i de forende stater: "But, in a strange echo of the Trumpian right, they are insisting on the superiority of their orthodoxy to “facts.” They are hostile, like all fundamentalists, to science, because it might counter doctrine. And they shut down the event because intersectionality rejects the entire idea of free debate, science, or truth independent of white male power. At the end of this part of the ceremony, an individual therefore shouts: “Who is the enemy?” And the congregation responds: “White supremacy!”
They then expel the heretic in a unified chant: “Hey hey, ho ho! Charles Murray has got to go.” Then: “Racist, Sexist, Anti-gay. Charles Murray, Go away!” Murray’s old work on IQ demonstrates no meaningful difference between men and women, and Murray has long supported marriage equality. He passionately opposes eugenics. He’s a libertarian. But none of that matters. Intersectionality, remember? If you’re deemed a sinner on one count, you are a sinner on them all."
nymag.com - Is Intersectionality a Religion? ⟲
De rigeste vil modsiges mindst
brookings.edu - Illiberal arts colleges: Pay more, get less (free speech) | Brookings Institution ⟲
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