Decades ago David Brin wrote the Transparent Society.

Steven 🌞 Snedkers billede
Af Steven 🌞 Snedker den 2. november 2017 - 9:49 [1]

Originally shared by Kevin Kelly

Decades ago David Brin wrote the Transparent Society.

He has a recent formulation you might appreciate.

== What is fundamental ==

Every time I speak at a security agency I emphasize one fundamental. That all enemies of the Western Enlightenment Experiment (WEE) are lethally allergic to light.

Hostile states, criminal gangs, market cheaters… all of them would suffer in a more open world. In contrast, the Snowden/Assange/Wikileaks events— and this leaky White House — show us that light will at-worst only irk or inconvenience the WEE.

More generally - (and I allow for tactical exceptions) - light only makes us and our systems work better.

Ponder that again. The WEE nations finds light bracing and improving. All of our enemies find light lethally toxic! Is it possible you don't see what this means?

It means that our one and only victory condition is a more open world.

We need some secrets! Some cyber security, and tactical shadows for military, intel etc professionals to use, in daily struggles. Citizens deserve privacy, while knowing the inevitable leaks won't do them palpable harm. Nevertheless, any overall trend toward worldwide transparency favors our side in this clash of civilizations.

If we give in to the temptation of shadows, they’ll be better at it! And we’ll lose.


          Jan Bruun Andersen
        s billede

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