Ultrapersonligt it- og kulturstof for noble fritænkere
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"For years Porsche lacked Android Auto, but recently it has become available. It seems the reason was that Porsche objected to the Google’s licensing terms. Google required Android Auto continually send data back to the mothership, including “a total OBD2 dump” of location, speed, throttle position, engine revs, and more. By comparison, Apple CarPlay sends back whether the car is moving while CarPlay is in use. Its not clear what compromise was reached between Porsche and Alphabet, but as a Porsche owner this make be uncomfortable."
Fremtiden er autonomt kørende biler og biler med sladrehanke.
Volodymyr Zhukovskyy killed seven motorcyclists in New Hampshire recently. He had a long history of driving erratically, presumably at least partly due to his passion for consuming alcohol, cocaine?
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