Here are the 52 key points I took from a reading of Seneca's Letters

Here are the 52 key points I took from a reading of Seneca's Letters
They are possibly the most useful book of distilled wisdom in the whole of literature inspiring Montaigne and many others. Also highly readable.
If anyone is interested I can create a free PDF with these plus the earlier visuals and other thoughts on Stoicism.
1.Always have clear priorities
2.Seek what is enough, then stop
3.Judge people before you place your trust in them
4.Be able to be both “on” and “off”
5.Improve yourself a little each day
6.Conform to what is natural
7.Limit your desires to reduce fear
8.Share your learning
9.Learn to like yourself
10.Teach to learn
11.Avoid mass crowds
12.To better yourself surround yourself with better people
13.To reduce cravings don’t have wealthy neighbours
14.When fortune smiles on you don’t let that be a snare
15.It is OK to feel your troubles – and then overcome them
16.If you want to be loved, then love
17.You will derive more pleasure from painting than from having completed a picture
18.Set yourself high standards perhaps embodied in someone you respect
19.Die without regrets
20.Develop your body a little but to overdevelop is wasteful
21.Be grateful (a life of folly is empty of gratitude)
22.Remind yourself of your good achievements
23.Perfection of wisdom makes the happy life
24.Prepare yourself to deal with obstacles
25.Slum it occasionally
26.Be OK with obstacles but don’t seek them out
27.Awareness of a problem is the first step to solving it
28.To understand something full go way beyond memorizing quotes
29.Learn to be a teacher one day not just a pupil
30.To create new things, you must be discontent with how things are
31.Speak slowly and clearly
32.Treat others as you would wish to be treated
33.To be happy you must think of others, not just yourself
34.Learn essential things, not just inessential ones
35.Strength comes from hardship
36.Pace yourself – you don’t need to have every experience now
37.Ask yourself: Are you living to your full potential?
38.You are what you think you are
39.To avoid being tired of life, view the variety, majesty and sublimity of the world
40.Seek moderation – if you overdo pleasures they become punishments
41.Wisdom lies beyond books
42.Things aren’t that hard you need a bit of confidence and to just do get going
43.Don’t become a slave to your wealth
44.A good foundation for peace of mind is not to wrong others
45.Life is no soft affair. Expect a few bumps and don’t sweat the small stuff
46.Tame your love of learning
47.Come to learn not just to wear the badge
48.Search out helpful teaching that is capable of immediate practical application
49.Seek your pleasures in things that are easy to come by
50.You might not be able to have everything you want. But you can learn not to want the things you can’t have.
51.Learn not to crave these: Wealth, pleasure, good looks, political advancement
52.Learn not to fear these: Exertion, death, pain, disgrace, limited means
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