"I spent my formative years not in college, but in the middle ages.

"I spent my formative years not in college, but in the middle ages. I mean I lived in medieval towns, and feudal villages and ancient camps. I have lived in the past, not just read about it. I spent a lot of time among illiterate people, simple people with very little technology. Years in places that for all practical purposes are a time before Mozart. I feel I have a visceral feeling for both the advantages and joys of that type of life, and of its disadvantages.
I feel I have a good sense of how difficult it was for a Homer to appear. It’s hard to describe to someone outside how constrained life and roles are in pre-industrial, to say nothing of post-industrial, cultures. 99% of everyone born was a farmer or herder. Only 1% achieved anything different.
My thoughts return again and again and again to the thousands of village boys and girls I met who spent their childhoods (and beyond) plowing behind an ox year after year, or mindlessly following sheep and goats for weeks on end away from home, wanting wanting wanting to leave — to do something greater.
Homer was lucky, a one in a million. The other million Greeks, as well as you and I if we were born then, had no such luck. Their lives would only be improved in satisfaction and fulfillment if they moved to the future."
En fin gammel debattråd om Kevin Kellys kristendom og fremtidsdrukne livssyn.

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Og for de, der ikke kender ham: Kevin Kelly har skrevet om nymodens teknologi for Wired i 25 år og laver stadig tophits. Dette longread (45 minutter) er fra maj i år https://www.wired.com/2016/04/magic-leap-vr/ ⟲
wired.com - The Untold Story of Magic Leap, the World’s Most Secretive Startup | WIRED
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