Man behøver ikke engang tage til Bulgarien for at bo billigt. Sydsjælland og Cottbus er billige nok
Man behøver ikke engang tage til Bulgarien for at bo billigt. Sydsjælland og Cottbus er billige nok
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There should be a millenial edition of Monopoly where you just walk round the board paying rent, never able to buy anything. I mean, have you ever tried to join into a game of monopoly 2 hours after it has started? Everything's bought up and your crap $500 is only going to get drained on the first two rolls. That's essentially the predicament people are in now . Now , ofc , one could refuse to play all together , argue that the UK version of the game has been corrupted by London laundering Russian oligarch money , or that the benefit-mooching immigrants are raising the property market , depending on your political color. Regardless of how much common sense you have , or lack , there is always the option to leave the table and decide to play the Bulgarian version of monopoly.
To quote a recent article I read :
"Expats go out into the world for many reasons, mostly for careers. But there is an adventurous breed of expat – often Brits – who choose countries based on sun, fun and and inviting, but affordable, quality of life.
That last bit is getting more difficult to find as housing prices are rising while the availability stock of nice homes contracting.
Much of the housing across Europe that was affordable after the Great Recession is now back to pre-recession highs. Prices are climbing in countries such as Portugal.
Ah, but there are still a few countries where real estate is – if not cheap – very affordable.
We’ve been bullish on Bulgaria since last summer for many reasons. A big reason is the cost of living there is about 50 percent lower than in the rest of the European Union, and at least 80 percent less than in Scandinavia.
Just for giggles, we went to Numbeo, the crowd-sourced cost of living tracker, and plugged in Stockholm and Varna, a large port city on the Black Sea with a mild climate and its own tourist resorts.
Some of the numbers are almost unbelievable. The biggest difference is the per-meter-cost of buying an apartment. An apartment in Varna goes for about 10 percent of the cost of an apartment in Stockholm.
Rents in Varna were about 20 percent of an apartment in Stockholm.
You’re thinking, “No kidding …Sweden is a high-functioning society where everyone wants to live. Stockholm has a housing shortage and people wait months for an apartment.”
Yeah. Which is kind of our point. Stockholm is a city where it’s painful for even rich people to live; where summer comes on a Tuesday and the sun barely clears the horizon in mid-winter.
There’s the perfect but perfectly unaffordable Europe such as Stockholm, Zurich and Amsterdam. And then there’s the less perfect Europe where you can have a reasonably high standard of living for far less money. Notice we didn’t say “comparable standard of living.” Varna is not Stockholm and Bulgaria isn’t Sweden. Bulgaria has some issues including government corruption.
But, all our sources, including friends and family, say after joining the EU, Bulgaria, Romania and other Balkans countries are coming out of their post-Soviet slumber. You can quantify that in a lot of ways including increasing tourism and rising labor costs.
And as we say, it’s always better to be early-in than late to the party."
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