Hotel Mumbai

Hotel Mumbai (stream/optag) (7,6 IMDB). Som Flight 93 et sobert og isnende kig ind i islamistisk terrorisme. Bestemt ikke for børn. Men burde ses af folk med stemmeret og folk, der vil have en holdning til terrorisme udover "Bare de ikke tager mig eller mine kære."

Sam Harris siger:

"But jihadists are all united in their hatred of liberal, Western values, and in their certainty of Paradise, and in their willingness to turn this world into an abattoir for the glory of God.

We cannot tolerate jihadists. We cannot let them immigrate into our open societies. And by we, I mean not just non-Muslims, I mean all Muslims who want to live sane lives in the 21st century. In the case of Israel and Palestine, the Palestinians have to rid themselves of their jihadists. And if that’s not possible, a stable peace with the Palestinians is not possible.

But this problem is so much bigger than Israel, or even global anti-Semitism. Spend some time reading about how the Islamic State treats Shiites. Look at the history of terrorism in Pakistan or India. If you want a totally painless way to do this, watch “Hotel Mumbai”—it’s a great film that depicts the terrorist attacks in Mumbai in 2008, by the Pakistani group Lashkar-e-Taiba. If you’ve forgotten, around a dozen jihadists killed over 160 people in Mumbai, many at the Taj Hotel, and the film shows this with brutal realism. And while they killed some Jews too, at a Jewish center, this attack had nothing to do with Israel, or America, or race, or so-called “settler colonialism,” or any of the other factors that Leftist fellow travelers have been fixated on since October 7th. Really, this is the least boring piece of homework you will ever be given. Go watch “Hotel Mumbai,” and once the killing starts, ask yourself how anyone, East or West, Muslim or non-Muslim, can live with these people." (Lyd-version)

Nyhedshistorie om angrebene fra 2008. Terroristerne tjekkede ofrenes digitale fodspor.

Bagmændene havde også ønsker for JP/Politikens hus i Danmark.


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