Ultrapersonligt it- og kulturstof for noble fritænkere
Tænk https://quillette.com/2018/07/23/the-peculiar-opacity-of-jordan-petersons-religious-views/ vs.
Tænk https://quillette.com/2018/07/23/the-peculiar-opacity-of-jordan-petersons-religious-views/ vs. tænk igen http://www.patheos.com/blogs/youngfogey/2018/07/sam-harris-asks-questions-jordan-peterson-cant-answer/
Kan verden køre godt på rationality+spirituality eller skal der religion til?
During a recent conversation in Vancouver?the first night of a massive four-part event sponsored by Pangburn Philosophy?Sam Harris asked Jordan Peterson a question that he can never quite answer: ?What do you mean by God?? If you?ve ever heard Peterson discuss the...
In debate with Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson mounts a pragmatic defense of religion. But only rationally grounded Christian faith can slay the old dragon of new atheism for good.
During a recent conversation in Vancouver?the first night of a massive four-part event sponsored by Pangburn Philosophy?Sam Harris asked Jordan Peterson a question that he can never quite answer: ?What do you mean by God?? If you?ve ever heard Peterson discuss the...
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