Hvorfor Ukraine er af yderste vigtighed
En forrygende god tale, der på 5-10 minutter forklarer hvorfor det er så vigtigt at støtte de stakkles ukrainere.
"So today, I’d like to talk about four reasons why Ukraine matters to all of us.
First, Putin’s war of choice is a direct threat to European security.
Second, Russian aggression is a clear challenge to our NATO allies.
Third, Russia’s deliberate cruelty is an attack on our shared values—and on the rule of law.
And finally, Russia’s invasion tears at the rules-based international order that keeps us all secure.
So our support for Ukraine’s self-defense is an investment in our own security and prosperity as well."
“Why Ukraine Matters” Remarks by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III at the Halifax International Security Forum (As Delivered) ⟲
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