Verdens værste sci-fi film
Verdens værste sci-fi (stream/optag) (1,5-6,5 IMDB, altså uudholdeligt). gyselige sci-fi falder i flere kategorier
- Klassiske stinkere og kult som som Plan 9 from Outer Space og Death Race 2000.
- Moderne billige kopi-versioner af kendte film. Pacifix Rim bliver til Atlantic Rim. Edge of Tomorrow bliver til Age of Tomorrow. Transformers bliver til Transmorphers osv. osv. Alt det bedste slam fra Asylum og lignende producenter.
Sæt (i skrivende stund) tænderne i
- Plan 9 from Outer Space
- Death Race 2000
- The Last Man on Earth
- A Boy and His Dog
- Dream
- Day of the Triffids
- Cloned: The Recreator Chronicles
- Shelter
- Abraxas Guardian of the Universe
- Inseminoid
- Astropia
- Slipstream
- Virus (Day of Resurrection)
- Invasion of the Bee Girls
- Puzzlehead
- Body Melt
- Dragon Hunter
- The Penitent Man
- Earthrise
- Star Leaf
- 5 Shells
- 96 Souls
- A Promise of Time Travel
- Nightmare Code
- The Manster
- Killer Robots
- Empty
- exodus
- The Black Hole
- Avengers Grimm
- Flight World War II
- Mega Shark VS Kolossus
- Road Wars
- San Andreas Quake
- CO2
- Enemy Empire
- Toxin
- Shadows on the Wall
- The Frame
- Magnetic
- Age of Ice
- Age of Tomorrow
- Asteroid Vs Earth
- Bermuda Tentacles
- Hercules Reborn
- Mega Shark vs Mecha Shark
- Sleeping Beauty
- Martian Land
- Shadowland The Legend
- Outpost 11
- The Device
- 100 Below Zero
- 500 MPH Storm
- AE Apocalypse Earth
- Age of Dinosaurs
- Atlantic Rim
- Battledogs
- MindScans
- Jack the Giant Killer
- Vampire Boys 2: The New Brood
- Battle NY Day 2
- B4
- Listen
- Alien Rising
- Alien Origin
- American Warships
- Bigfoot
- Grimm's Snow White
- Lord of the Elves
- 40 Days and Nights
- Area Q
- Darkening Sky
- 2012: Ice Age
- Almighty Thor
- Battle of Los Angeles
- Dragon Crusaders
- Vampire Boys
- OzLand
- Night Sights
- Mega Piranha
- Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus
- Meteor Apocalypse
- Trek Nation
- The Land that Time Forgot
- Enigma
- 2012: Supernova
- Countdown: Armageddon
- Dragonquest
- Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus
- Megafault
- Princess of Mars
- The Terminators
- Transmorphers: Fall of Man
- 2012: Doomsday
- 100 Million BC
- The Day the Earth Stopped
- Death Racers
- Journey to the Center of the Earth
- Merlin and the War of the Dragons
- War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave
- The Apocalypse
- Ink
- 30,000 Leagues Under the Sea
- AVH: Alien vs. Hunter
- I Am Omega
- Invasion of the Pod People
- Transmorphers
- Universal Soldiers
- Quito 2023
- Dragon
- Big Foot
- King of the Lost World
- Alien Abduction
- War of the Worlds
- Hyperfutura
- The Source
- Marker
- The Brick House
- Tales of the Supernatural
- Hercules and the Tyrant of Babylon
- Dark Watchers - The Women In Black
- The Killing of Satan
- New Order
- UFO: Target Earth
- Senn
- Clone Hunter
- Moonchild
- Exile
- The Sheol Express
- Alien From Area 51: The Alien Autopsy Footage Revealed
- Radiant
- Beyond Lemuria - The Shaver Mystery and The Secrets of Mt. Shasta
- Nightfur
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