Så er weekenden reddet for magen en midaldrende mand.

Steven 🌞 Snedkers billede
Af Steven 🌞 Snedker den 18. november 2016 - 13:01 [10]

Så er weekenden reddet for magen en midaldrende mand. Mændenes svar på Sex and the City/Vampyrserier er tilbage. Kan måske ses i Danmark.



Steven Snedkers billede

Et skjult sted siger de, at de ikke vil have danskernes penge:


Due to restrictions placed on us by our content providers, we are currently only able to make the Service available to customers who have an address located in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man and a credit card registered at that address. We regret that you may not use the Service if you are outside of these territories without such registered address and payment method. You may not stream or attempt to stream any content under your Prime Instant Video plan from anywhere outside the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man or to use any technology to obscure or disguise your location. You acknowledge that we may use technologies to verify your location."

Et andet skjult sted lyder det:

"Sign up problem

You may continue with this billing address, but Prime delivery benefits, Prime Instant Video streaming and the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library will not be available outside of the United Kingdom."

Og andetsteds forlyder det

"Sign up problem

You may continue with this billing address, but Prime Video streaming, Prime Music, and the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library won't be available outside of the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Prime shipping benefits are available to shipping addresses in the contiguous U.S."


På dansk, igen: vi vil ikke have jeres penge.

amazon.com - Amazon Sign In

Steven Snedkers billede

"The Grand Tour is THE series you'll want to slap onto a 4K/HDR display to feel a little better about spending so much money. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that Jeff Bezos overpaid for its rights just to help sell more HDR-capable sets through Amazon (as outlandish and circuitous as that logic may sound).

In many scenes, the HDR effect comes through because of incredibly accurate shots of brightly lit racetracks, in which sun bounces off of the freshly waxed McLaren, Porsche, and Ferrari cars in the main segment. But what's even more striking is when racing shots are intentionally cooked with oversaturated light and color—and the mix of HDR color/brightness distinction and crisp 4K resolution make this effect look cool, not stupid."


arstechnica.com - Some say it’s the best car show ever: The Grand Tour hits Amazon Prime

Steven Snedkers billede

Steven Snedkers billede

“It is a journey in the male brain, which is a void, so it’s quite nice place to go for a bit of downtime.”

“The films are still three men fucking about in their own little bubble, wasting everyone’s time,” said Wilman. “They’re an expensive exercise in doing nothing and there’s a sort of therapy in that in this mentally fast modern age. We’re not doing anything dramatically different from what we did before.”


theguardian.com - Burning petrol and cash, the Grand Tour begins | Television & radio | The Guardian

Steven Snedkers billede

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