"To generate clickbait, we’ll train such an [Recurrent Neural Network] on ~2 000 000 headlines, scraped from...

"To generate clickbait, we’ll train such an [Recurrent Neural Network] on ~2 000 000 headlines, scraped from Buzzfeed, Gawker, Jezebel, Huffington Post and Upworthy.
How realistic can we expect the output of this model to be? Even if it can learn to generate text with correct syntax and grammar, it surely can’t produce headlines that contain any new knowledge of the real world? It can’t do reporting? This may be true, but it’s not clear that clickbait needs to have any relation to the real world in order to be successful. When this work was begun, the top story on BuzzFeed was “50 Disney Channel Original Movies, Ranked By Feminism“. More recently they published “22 Faces Everyone Who Has Pooped Will Immediately Recognized“. It’s not clear that these headlines are much more than a semi-random concatenation of topics their userbase likes, and as seen in the latter case, 100% correct grammar is not a requirement."
Bwahahaha! Stor nørdunderholdningsværdi.
http://larseidnes.com/2015/10/13/auto-generating-clickbait-with-recurrent-neural-networks/ ⟲

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