Ultrapersonligt it- og kulturstof for noble fritænkere
"Today’s announcement from Facebook is full of all kinds of night sweat–inducing details for publishers.
"Today’s announcement from Facebook is full of all kinds of night sweat–inducing details for publishers. It’s a devastating neg on the publishing world, the latest in what’s come to feel like an increasingly anxious courtship: Your business lives or dies with us. Rest assured, you’ll always be our secondary consideration!"
Folk gider ikke nyheder på Facebook, så Facebook gider ikke så meget nyheder.
Man må udgive sit eget stads og så håbe et pengeenglen kommer og drysser penge på en.
https://www.buzzfeed.com/charliewarzel/facebooks-unsettling-referendum-on-news ⟲
1.65 billion voted with their News Feeds.
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Registrerede brugere får bedre editor og flere likes.
"If we tolerate a political system which abandons facts and a media ecosystem which does not filter for truth, then this places a heavy burden on “users” to actively gather and interrogate information from all sides - to understand how they might be affected by the consequences of actions, and to know the origin of information and the integrity of the channels through which it reaches them. For this we are definitely better together."
https://www.theguardian.com/media/2016/jul/03/facebook-bubble-brexit-filter ⟲
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