Ultrapersonligt it- og kulturstof for noble fritænkere
Vi har læst det før. Men nu siger han det og de andre lytter og klapper.

Vi har læst det før. Men nu siger han det og de andre lytter og klapper.
Originally shared by Kevin Kelly
I did a TED talk. On AI and the coming second industrial revolution. 14 minutes total.

"The actual path of a raindrop as it goes down the valley is unpredictable, but the general direction is inevitable," says digital visionary Kevin Kelly -- and technology is much the same, driven by patterns that are surprising but inevitable. Over the next 20...
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plus.google.com - En klog og velformuleret mand om ny teknologi. Kevin Kelly er altid læseværdig.
"At the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Watson was tested on 1,000 cancer diagnoses made by human experts. In 99 percent of them, Watson recommended the same treatment as the oncologists. In 30 percent of the cases, Watson also found a treatment option the human doctors missed. Some treatments were based on research papers that the doctors had not read — more than 160,000 cancer research papers are published a year. Other treatment options might have surfaced in a new clinical trial the oncologists had not yet seen announced on the web. But Watson read it all."
nytimes.com - IBM Is Counting on Its Bet on Watson, and Paying Big Money for It - The New York Times ⟲
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