"We must have looked like lunatics, dressed in gorgeous rags, Lost Boys running around our beautiful, borrowed...

Steven 🌞 Snedkers billede
Af Steven 🌞 Snedker den 29. maj 2018 - 11:15 [0]

"We must have looked like lunatics, dressed in gorgeous rags, Lost Boys running around our beautiful, borrowed Neverland. My preferred outfit at the time was a top hat, rainbow legwarmers and a pair of red satin trousers I had sutured crudely from an old ball dress. Now and again, we’d throw parties or travel to other protests for nights of strange, almost arcane debauchery, lodged in my memory in a mushrooms-induced blur of painted limbs and techno." vs. "Pilgrimage is an ancient form of travelling for healing when “travelling” kept its etymological roots of travail: it is a suffering cure. It is a medicine to be endured, not enjoyed. Perhaps this seems counter intuitive, for illness craves comfort and ease while pilgrimage shoves you into pain and struggle. Yet knowing you have survived makes you feel strong. The relief that comes when the journey is over is more precious for the difficulties of the road."


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