"While we did hear more differences among the DAC-amps through the Shure earphones (which, because they use balanced...

Steven 🌞 Snedkers billede
Af Steven 🌞 Snedker den 17. november 2017 - 6:41 [5]

"While we did hear more differences among the DAC-amps through the Shure earphones (which, because they use balanced armatures, exhibit a huge impedance swing as the frequency rises) than with the HiFiMan headphones (which have near-zero impedance swing), and we did end up agreeing on a couple of marginal favorites, we were all surprised by how elusive and insignificant the differences were, despite reviews we’d read describing large and important differences. One panelist typified the difference as being “maybe 0.5% between the best and worst.” Another wondered aloud, “Why would anybody care about this?”



Steven Snedkers billede

Steven Snedkers billede

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