Ultrapersonligt it- og kulturstof for noble fritænkere
"Women are more likely to be in the role of victims- “she screams”, “she cries”, or “she pleads.” Men tend to be the...
"Women are more likely to be in the role of victims- “she screams”, “she cries”, or “she pleads.” Men tend to be the aggressor: “he kidnaps” or “he beats”. Not all male-oriented terms are negative- many, like “he saves”/”he rescues” are distinctly positive- but almost all are active rather than receptive."
Previously in this series
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Part of the explanation may be that stories of women as aggressors often are ignored, or brushed off as very rare. Such a storyline in a movie would very likely be severely attacked as misogynistic, and have much lower ticket sales.
theguardian.com - More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male, report reveals | Society | The Guardian ⟲
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