Ultrapersonligt it- og kulturstof for noble fritænkere
Amerikansk politi: "Ward said the unit’s supervisor, Sgt.

Amerikansk politi: "Ward said the unit’s supervisor, Sgt. Wayne Jenkins, instructed the officers to carry replica guns to plant if they found themselves in a jam. Police recovered a replica gun from the glove box of Taylor’s vehicle after he was arrested last year. The gun, shown to jurors, is nearly indistinguishable from Taylor’s service pistol."
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Statistikken siger, at 20-50 af de ca 1.000 mennesker der årligt dødskydes af amerikansk politi, har en legetøjspistol. En interessant oplysning for lænestolsdetektiver og - statistikere.
washingtonpost.com - 2015 Washington Post database of police shootings
"To protect and serve"
Now we know who they protected and who they served.
baltimoresun.com - Notable testimony from the Baltimore Police Gun Trace Task Force corruption trial, updated with Day 6
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