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News is pretty much ubiquitous in this digital age. We are barraged with information constantly through many sources ? our smart phones, social media, TV, websites, papers, and magazines. Unl?
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vertikal.dk - Hvad er nyheder? ⟲
Leah er dog ofte værd at læse
commonsenseethics.com - Growing In Goodness ⟲
Steven Snedker - jeg holder mig til Mark Twains definition.
Jan Bruun Andersen
quoteinvestigator.com - If You Don’t Read the Newspaper You Are Uninformed, If You Do Read the Newspaper You Are Misinformed | Quote Investigator ⟲
Tak, jeg virker have rodet rundt i hvem som sagde hvad. Det var den her jeg tænkte på:
quoteinvestigator.com - News Is What Somebody Does Not Want You To Print. All the Rest Is Advertising | Quote Investigator ⟲
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