"In the Republic, Plato confessed to a profound and melancholy understanding (gathered from bitter experience) of...

"In the Republic, Plato confessed to a profound and melancholy understanding (gathered from bitter experience) of the limits of intellectuals, when he remarked that the world would never be set right until, in his words, ‘philosophers became kings, or kings philosophers’. By which he meant that thinkers should stop imagining that ideas can change reality and recognise that only institutions, ‘kingship’ in this context, have any chance of working a proper influence on the world."
Institutioner er mere levedygtige end ideer siger The Philisophers' Mail så rigtigt.
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Jeg har spredt mange ideer gennem de sidste 20 år. Men kom i tanke om, at jeg egentlig også har været med til at opbygge nogle ganske fornuftige og holdbare institutioner. I Vertikal arbejder vi godt, men ikke for meget og har endnu bedre overskudsdeling end Valve. I Drupal har vi lavet et af verdenshistoriens mest effektive og brugervenlige CMS'er. Ikke helt ringe, alligevel.
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