"Here in Egypt, home to eighty-five million people, where Western development workers and billions of dollars of...
"Here in Egypt, home to eighty-five million people, where Western development workers and billions of dollars of foreign aid have poured in for decades, the first plastic-recycling center in the south is a thriving business that employs thirty people, reimburses others for reducing landfill waste, and earns a significant profit. So why was it established by two lingerie-fuelled Chinese migrants, one of them illiterate and the other with a fifth-grade education?"
En strålende artikel til de, der gerne vil bruge 30 minutter på at spekulere over verdens indretning efter et nærmere kig på undertøjs- og returflaskescenen i Ægypten.
http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/08/10/learning-to-speak-lingerie ⟲
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