Meget kritisk artikel om Netflix

Will Tavlin har skrevet en lang artikel om alt han, af forholdsvis velargumentere grunde, ikke kan lide ved Netflix. Den er på 9.000 ord, 30 gange mere, end du kan kapere.
Men her er 300 af de gode (som en appetitvækker):
The Typical Netflix Movie covers every niche interest and identity category in existence, such as a movie about a tall girl, Tall Girl, but also Horse Girl, Skater Girl, Sweet Girl, Lost Girls, and Nice Girls. Seemingly optimized for search engines, the title of a TNM announces exactly what it is — hence a romantic comedy about a wine executive called A Perfect Pairing, or a murder mystery called Murder Mystery [...] The editors of these films seem to have just given up, too. The cutting between shots is frenetic. The lighting is terrible. The TNM looks both oversaturated and flat, with the blacks brightened and the highlights dulled [...] Worst of all is the music: in the absence of any mise-en-scène, the TNM pipes in recognizable tunes from expensive, blue-chip artists to create moods, such as the vacuous, third-order use of David Bowie’s “Let’s Dance” in Irish Wish, the mercilessly random Lindsay Lohan body-swap fantasy in which she schemes to marry a rich Irish novelist who lives in a castle.[...]
Such slipshod filmmaking works for the streaming model, since audiences at home are often barely paying attention. Several screenwriters who’ve worked for the streamer told me a common note from company executives is “have this character announce what they’re doing so that viewers who have this program on in the background can follow along.” [...]
One tag among Netflix’s thirty-six thousand microgenres offers a suitable name for this kind of dreck: “casual viewing. [...] — movies that go down best when you’re not paying attention, or as the Hollywood Reporter recently described Atlas, a 2024 sci-fi film starring Jennifer Lopez, “another Netflix movie made to half-watch while doing laundry.”
Jeg, der magtede at læse hele essayet, er langt hen ad vejen enig. Jeg hylder ikke Hollywood og kemisk film. Elsker streaming, digitale kameraer, (overbevisende/nyttig) CGI osv. osv.
Men jeg er også serietræt og kan mærke, at der bliver længere mellem snapsene.
[Opdatering 18.01.2025] The Guardian undersøger påstanden.
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