Ultrapersonligt it- og kulturstof for noble fritænkere
I to-tre ord "(Politisk) gadevold stinker"
I to-tre ord "(Politisk) gadevold stinker"
http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2017/01/easy-forget-unnatural-tolerate-views-disagree/ ⟲
Among the words and phrases I?d be quite happy to never hear of again in 2017 is ?Alt-Right?, up there with ?remoaner? and ?liberal elite?. It?s partly the extraordinary amount of media attention?
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En længere historie om en afhopper fra en totalitær sekt: newyorker.com - Conversion via Twitter ⟲
Lidt om hvad en vistnok typisk "nazist" synes om at få tæsk
takimag.com - Violent Disagreements ⟲
Ikke-voldelige demonstrationer virker bedre. Ifølge professor, der ved noget om det.
washingtonpost.com - People are in the streets protesting Donald Trump. But when does protest actually work? ⟲
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